Kingsman The Golden Circle

Kingsman, the Golden Circle, the sequel for Kingsman The Secret Service (2014), directed by Mathew Vaughn, finally decided to give us a glimpse of what they've been up to. The first movie is one of the most underrated and in my opinion and one of the best action movies ever dropped in the big screen. Mathew Vaughn has certainly proved his worth and has earned a very good name among fans and critics alike with X-men first class, kickass and Kingsman.

The trailer starts off by showing us a glimpse of Eggsy's journey to join the Kingsmen, with the narration of our favourite Colin Firth, who played Harry Hart/ Galahad in the first part. We then get to see Eggsy and Roxy rocking their Kingsman suits at their headquarters and they look so gorgeous.

From what they've shown us, it looks like we're going to see a lot more of what we loved in the first movie, the gadgets. It looks like they know exactly what we like and they show a bunch of cool new gadgets like a car transforming into a submarine, their umbrella guns, tasers and more cool stuff like that. What's great is that even when all that sounds a bit silly to hear, it looks so realistic on screen and they just make you want to own them so bad. Once again, we know that they're going to show us a lot more cool gadgets and a big thumbs up for that.

A little over thirty seconds is where we get an idea about the plot, it looks like the antagonist has targeted their headquarters and has decided to just turn it to dust, leaving the kingsmen without their headquarters and possibly, murdering their new boss. This is what the movie is going to be about, how our trio Merlin, Eggsy and Roxy respond to this disastrous situation. We have some well known faces like the gorgeous Halle Berry, Julian Moore, Jeff Bridges and Channing Tatum joining the crew and it'll be interesting to see if they work with or against Eggsy and team.

There's a ton of new action sequences that light up the trailer and once again it all looks so polished and realistic. It looks like they know that we loved the Church sequence from the first part. Cars tumbling, winches flying around and buildings collapsing, its all here for us to find out on September 22nd. I am beyond hyped to see this and this is definitely one of my most anticipated movies of 2017.

Before I end, the most important part of the trailer, Harry Hart is back. It looks like they aren't done with Harry just yet and it was my favourite part in the entire trailer. Just a few seconds before the end, we get a glimpse of Colin Firth, only this time he's missing an eye, and is just standing there shaving, for a moment leaving all the viewers along with Eggsy and Merlin flabbergasted. I just hope that he's in the movie for a considerably decent amount of screen time walking around with his stick and kicking ass with his umbrella gun. I just hope that he doesn't end up being the villain because of some stupidly convoluted motivation which someone convinces him that he has been on the wrong side, which actually brings him to the wrong side, the most annoying and cliched reason for a villain to become a villain. If they do that, then that is exactly where the movie will fail. Also, I didn't know that if you get killed by Nick Fury, it might turn you into him.


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