Wonder Woman - DCEU's savior?

Wonder woman is the fourth movie in the DCEU and its directed by Patty Jenkins. Warner Brothers released a new trailer for it, so let's discuss it and what we can expect from the movie. The past week, WB officially released around 4-5 TV spots which I thought were necessary because the movie isn't getting as much hype as Batman V Superman or Suicide Squad. Fans and general audiences were all a little let down with the marketing for it so I thought WB was just going to keep giving us TV spots until its release. I've got to say, I thought their latest 'origins' trailer was going to be the last one and I can't remember the last time I watched a trailer for a movie that is 3 weeks from its release. So I guess this is their 4th trailer. 

Ever since DC released the trailer for Batman V Superman revealing doomsday at the end, WB has been extremely careful with their trailers and once again they have managed to nail it. The trailer was a visual spectacle and doesn't give us too many plot points apart from what we already knew. So Diana is a princess of this secret island called Themiscyra who grows up among other Amazonian princesses raised by older and wiser women guiding them for years, lead by a queen just training to fight and defend themselves. But what's the use of an army without a war?

The trailer starts right in the action with Diana kicking ass breaking through a window in style. We see Queen Hippolyta, the Amazonian queen talking to a young and cute Diana who's just eager to fight for a cause. Hippolyta replies by telling little Diana that mankind doesn't deserve her. There's no reason for Hippolyta to raise her this way but I guess we'll find out why there's an aversion against mankind for the Amazonian Queen. She kind of reminds me of Rapunzel's mom, basically telling stories about how bad the outside world is and why Diana should stay on the island, the only difference between Hippolyta and Gothel is that Hippolyta isn't evil. It's funny because throughout this narration Diana is seen kicking some serious ass in what I probably think is World War.

As we already know, for the fourth time the trailer shows us Steve Trevor played by the charming Chris Pine crash into the shore of the Amazonian island. Diana rescues him and here's where comic book fans can rejoice, we finally see the 'Lasso of truth' being used on Trevor to find out why he ended up on the shore and what his motivations were. We did get to see the lasso in the doomsday fight in Batman V Superman but we finally see it being used for what its supposed to be used. It's like wonder woman's veritaserum, using it to force someone, to tell the truth.

So Trevor is an American soldier and he wants to stop the war to end all wars which is basically the world war. I guess there's some kind of poison being synthesized in a large scale, probably very dangerous to a lot of people and Diana knows that this is her window of opportunity to go out and save mankind. She finally chooses to leave the island despite Hippolyta's warnings. But Diana has a very good point, she definitely wants to put her talents to good use and asks a very important question 'Who will I be if I stay'? She decides to go out and help the world instead of being mommy's obedient little girl.

There's a scene where she basically climbs up a tower, again one which looks just like Rapunzel's tower and steals a sword and a shield. She had her eyes on it when she was a kid and she decided if she's going to get banished, might as well get into trouble and then vanish, seems fair to me. So she comes to London with Trevor. Talking about Steve Trevor, I haven't heard about him before but all I had to know was that Chris Pine is playing him. What better actor than the legendary Captain Kirk himself. I am a huge fan of Chris and I think he might steal every scene he's in. One of the biggest complaints about the DCEU is that there aren't many jokes. I guess WB found the right guy to fix that problem because that jokes that come from Chris are so natural and don't feel forced in any way. I'm very excited to see what Chris has to offer.

We know that Ares has been announced as the main antagonist and WB has hired Professor Lupin  (David Thewlis) to portray the God of War. We don't know who's side Ares belongs to or if he's just there to create more chaos. We also got to see a strange woman who has this baddie smirk all along, at one point I thought she was Cheetah but if she were Cheetah this would have to be called DCTV. I trust that DC and WB will do justice to the antagonist whoever it is because one thing I would agree as a DC fan is that I was a bit let down with Jesse Eisenberg's take on Lex Luthor. Moral of the story being stay true to the comics, the more we try to 'improvise' the worse things get. Even though one might argue that Heath Ledger was a controversial casting choice, his work stayed very true to the comics and the same can't be said about Jesse.

I'd like to wrap up by saying how good everything looks so far. Gal Gadot looks gorgeous and has definitely done a great job with the action scenes. Seriously, the action in this movie is definitely something to look forward to. I guess they must have heard how much we loved that warehouse fight scene in Batman V Superman and decided to give us more of the same thing. It's about time that we had a Wonder Woman movie and this is the perfect way to do it. Having a female director and a huge fan of Wonder Woman, Patty Jenkins on board just shows how serious they are in bringing one of our favourite comic book heroes to the silver screen. I love Wonder Woman from the justice league animated series and the DC animated movies and I loved Gal Gadot's surprise appearance in Batman V Superman. I'm very optimistic about the movie and I think this could be the movie to win back some of the broken hearts of DC fans due to their previously underwhelming movies. This is an important movie and it's not just enough if fans love it, a good movie should be loved by fans, critics, and general audiences equally and I hope Patty Jenkins, Gal Gadot and Chris Pine can finally save the DCEU.

But I have to say, people are looking for all kinds of opportunities to bring down the DCEU and I really hate that. They've already started speculating that this is going to have the least opening of all DCEU movies. Whether or not Wonder Woman saves mankind, she really needs to rescue the DCEU from the haters looking to bring it down. Female fans have waited long enough, I've waited for a long time too, can't wait to catch it in theatres and finally see this put an end to all doubts regarding the doomed future of the DCEU. It's time for little girls all around the world to go fangirl mode, some comic con costumes, and Halloween fun. Wonder Woman opens on June 2nd and I can't wait to go crazy.

There have been rumors that this whole movie is basically a flashback sequence about Diana replying to Bruce Wayne's letter asking who she is and where she is from. Please WB give us a glimpse of Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot together, one batman scene and the theatres are going to explode. I'm expecting another tease for the Justice League towards the end.

P.S. That scene where Diana tries to introduce herself as princess of Themiscyra and Chris Pine interrupts her by saying Prince reminds me a lot of that interrogation scene from Man Of Steel where Lois almost said Superman when she got interrupted in the middle. Hats off to whoever came up with that idea.


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