Chernobyl is a piece of art
I'm sure by now most of us would have seen this popup. I was one of the few people who kept seeing notifications and news about this show on my phone. Being someone who's not that into TV series binging except a few of them, I wasn't tempted, not to mention this is just a mini TV series, which means that there's a huge chance that it will just be one season.
All I knew about the Chernobyl incident is that before I was born, there was some nuclear accident which caused heavy death tolls, caused a lot of diseases and got passed on to future generations to inherit some of these conditions. I know nothing about nuclear physics so I definitely thought this wasn't my cup of tea.
This show basically gives you a walkthrough of what caused the disaster in 1986. I got invested in it after the first episode. I still don't know how much of it is real and how much of it has been modified for cinematic reasons but I'll assure you, it feels very real. We have all heard of disasters and natural calamities, but we just know the when and what. Chernobyl explores what happened after the disaster and how every important person in a country, be it a bureaucrat or a scientist or a victim reacts to it.
Knowing how dirty some politicians can be gives me the chills but after a point of time, they start making sense. This show explores the perspective of victims, army officers, bureaucrats, and many other people and justifies every decision they make. The greater good for everyone here has a different meaning and I absolutely loved it. Never did it strike me that sometimes the truth can be much scarier than the best horror movies out there.
Coming to the cast, I instantly recognised two people, the guy who plays Erik Selvig in the Thor movies and the guy who played Jim Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes and they've both done brilliantly. The cinematography is astounding, I'm sure the budget must have skyrocketed. All of this with some spectacular acting, special effects, and set pieces keep adding to my respect for the show. This is history made extremely interesting and the whole world is now invested.
It's turning a lot of heads including mine and the only thing bothering me is the fact that there are only going to be two more episodes. The music is eerie the tone is extremely dark and overall, I've enjoyed every bit of it. It's available on Hotstar premium in India and to those who have subscribed to HBO. Don't miss this one.
If you're one of the few trying to get over the extremely disappointing game of thrones final season then the rebound TV series for you to get over it is definitely Chernobyl. These characters are awesome, some scenes are just gut-wrenching, not a lot of action but a lot of realism, dread, horror, and hopelessness. This is a piece of art, to say the least, they brought in moon rovers to clear some of the debris, a lot of cool stuff which I had no idea about. I'm glad I got hooked. If these reasons aren't convincing enough, maybe you should consider the fact that Chernobyl is rated as the best TV show ever as per IMDb ratings even more than Breaking bad, game of thrones and planet earth and has a huge rotten tomatoes score. Maybe those reasons are convincing enough.
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